+2 342 5446 67
Mon – Fri 8 AM – 5 PM
Franklin St, Greenpoint Ave
About us

Our Mission

The Edutainment Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to make culturally-focused arts programs and positive after-school activities, equitably accessible to students from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Our programs are offered to further expose students to the arts, helping them become more creative and critical thinkers, more effective communicators, and more well-rounded people.

What We Do
The Edutainment Project primarily targets schools in communities that offer little, if any, arts programming to their students. The Edutainment Project’s workshops and summer arts camps provide after-school options for students to channel their creative energies, and all interested students, regardless of means, will have access to our programs. In addition, all schools, including non-target schools, will be able to access The Edutainment Project’s in-school programs and have their students participate in The Edutainment Project’s after-school activities.


Edutainment Project’s approach blends culturally immersive experiences and interactive learning to nurture creativity, critical thinking, and inclusive personal development for all students.

Why Edutainment ?

Our programs have a cultural component to help raise the cultural competencies of our youth. Exposing young people to programs that celebrate the contributions of their own culture instills pride. Exposing students to programs that highlight the contributions from cultures different than their own promotes appreciation, tolerance, and respect for others, and connects students across ethnic boundaries.
Extra-curricular arts programs are almost extinct in some schools and school districts are drastically slashing athletic budgets, meaning young people are facing decreasing opportunities to engage in healthy after-school activities. The lack of positive outlets for our young people contributes to the alarming statistics involving gang violence, juvenile incarceration, and teen pregnancy. Making the arts available as extra-curricular activities fills a void and creates avenues for students to express themselves, get support and direction, learn discipline, and build self-esteem.
Through exposure to the arts and making participation in the arts available to all students, The Edutainment Project wants to encourage and empower our youth to make good choices that positively impact their futures. Participation in music, dance, theater and the visual arts are vital to the development of our children, and, unfortunately, these opportunities are not consistently available in some communities. The Edutainment Project intends to do its small part to change that.